
To My One And Only Daughter

Larisa Faber, Nora Zrika, EDSUN
Liesung // Mierscher Theaterdeeg

Nora Zrika by Xavier Pawlowski
Nora Zrika by Xavier Pawlowski

02.06.2023 | 18:30

»We don't hug, and it's not out of respect for safety measures. We're both wearing visors, like two lost members of a pathetic space force.«

What do we inherit and where do we really come from? A bittersweet short story about an estranged daughter-father duo, family ties and secret recordings.

To My One And Only Daughter was commissioned by MASKéNADA as part of Triptyphon (2021).

53, rue G.-D. Charlotte
L-7520 Mersch
Tél.: 26 32 43-1